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IRS Broadens Crypto Inquiry On Tax Forms

According to a report from BeInCrypto, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been increasing its scrutiny of cryptocurrency transactions and investments, and it appears that the agency is not letting up anytime soon. While the IRS has been requiring taxpayers to disclose their cryptocurrency holdings since 2014, recent reports indicate that the agency is now broadening its inquiry on tax forms, requiring more detailed information about cryptocurrency transactions.

The new tax form requires taxpayers to answer a question about whether they received, sold, sent, exchanged, or otherwise acquired any financial interest in virtual currency during the year. Taxpayers who answer affirmatively must then provide additional information about their virtual currency transactions, including the dates of acquisition and disposal, the type of virtual currency, the fair market value at the time of the transaction, and the taxpayer's cost or basis in the virtual currency.

This new requirement on the tax form is part of the IRS's broader effort to crack down on tax evasion and increase compliance among cryptocurrency investors. According to a report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, the IRS believes that cryptocurrency transactions are a "significant threat" to tax compliance, and that taxpayers may be underreporting their income or failing to disclose their virtual currency holdings.

Some experts believe that the IRS's increased focus on cryptocurrency is a result of the agency's success in recent years in identifying and prosecuting tax evaders who used offshore accounts to hide their income. With the rise of cryptocurrency, the IRS may see virtual currency as the next frontier for tax evasion and is determined to stay ahead of the curve.

Taxpayers who fail to disclose their virtual currency holdings or transactions may face stiff penalties, including fines and even criminal prosecution. As such, it is important for anyone who has invested in or transacted with cryptocurrency to be aware of their tax obligations and to ensure that they are accurately reporting their virtual currency activity on their tax forms.

In conclusion, the IRS's broadened inquiry on tax forms regarding cryptocurrency transactions is a clear indication that the agency is taking the issue of tax compliance seriously.

Cryptocurrency investors should be aware of the new requirements and ensure that they are accurately reporting their virtual currency activity on their tax forms to avoid any potential penalties or legal consequences.

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